Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers' Day Thanks (and extra photos)

When I started to spend more and more time away from my family as I traveled and went to school in another part of the country, I started to recognize more of the traits that I’ve developed that reflect the people whose presence in my life has impacted the woman I’ve become. I see my stubbornness, my passion, my desire to learn, my ability to fall in love with a place, my appreciation of the simpler beauties of life, among other things. I realized that most of these are traits that I’ve learned or that have been fostered in my soul from the start through the help of the people around me.

This Mothers’ Day, I saw even more than usual the influence of the women in my life. Whether friends or professors, grandmothers or aunts, cousins or great-aunts, my host mother or my birth mother, family friends or my best friend, the women in my life have all contributed to my development. As I travel and find my way around, I can see how fortunate I am to have such wonderful, strong women to support and encourage me.

Last night, my friend and I had our going away party in Quito. As I prepare to leave Quito, I just wanted to say “thank you” to all of the wonderful women in my life. You have each been so important to me, and I cannot express my gratitude enough. 

Here are some random photos, that don't have to do with Mothers' Day, but show a few more of my experiences:
Dogs in Centro Historico in Flying Vee formation in front of Church.

Making dinner for the goodbye party

Chao to us

The three guys and Jenna and I

Because we're wonderful

Graffiti in front of my apartment. "Assault zone"

Johnny and I