Saturday, February 2, 2013

Host nephew + host aunt = best friends

In case you can't tell, I really enjoy being around this kid. Since I have to take care of absolutely none of the maternal responsibilities, it's wonderful. We were playing in the living room to avoid bothering my host mother while she was cooking. At first he was skeptical, but once we crashed, it was way more fun.

I know they say not to text and drive,
but I can take photos and drive, right?

He has a much better car than I. He has Mater.

We crashed. Again.

He was demonstrating his photogenic tendencies.
Also he was pouring baby powder all over until I closed it. 


  1. Cute, but you were oblivious to his true thoughts. He was terrified. Absolutely terrified. You were intentionally crashing into him repeatedly, and he didn't know how to tell you to stop in English. The best he could do was show you a bottle -- "biberón" -- which he apparently knew sounded a lot like "leave me alone" in English. Brilliant! (Him, not you)

  2. ok- we all know little boys and he loved it! Crashing was right up his alley, and you knewit. Brilliant!

    Biberon may mean, let's drink and do it again. Be careful. Guys say this a lot
